Monday, November 15, 2010

San Francisco

Some photos taken during our San Francisco trip a few months ago. Just highligting a few.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Ladders and Slides

Ladders and Slides
By: Austin Robertson

Alluring, accelerated paths promise adventure and speed
Slides offer happiness and fulfillment of your needs.
Yet, these momentary diversions on the slipper slope down
Will always have a rendezvous with the ground.

Ladders offer no speed or instant pleasure
No shiny surfaces and no hidden treasures.
They’re daunting, difficult, dirty, and often dull
Steps aimed heavenward against gravity’s pull.

The pace and toil is too much for most
So slides are their choice of which they boast.

I search for ladders without slides,
Without slides on the other side.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A Gully Washer

June has been a month of rain in Idaho. It's great for saving money on the water bill, but it hasn't been the best thing for our poor garden.


I wrote this poem to Krystal as I thought upon how quickly everything in this life seems to pass away. So, no matter how good or how bad life is at this point, don't get too used to it, because things will never remain the same. Life is a roller coaster ride from start to finish!


The crimson blossoms of spring make the air sweet
until a light breeze sweeps them from under your feet

Fresh fallen snow covers a dull and dreary earth,
creating a short-lived vision of purity and rebirth.

The beauties of the heavens can be seen overhead,
breathtaking sunsets of pink, ginger, and red.

The green grass of summer and golden leaves of fall,
a baby’s soft hands, so delicate, so small.

These beauties of life dance before your face.
they arrive in an instant then vanish without a trace.

Does anything last? Does anything endure?
Must all rot away? Must all leave today?

There is one thing that will never be dimmed
by the passing of time or the rushing of wind.

It is the love I feel for you every day, every hour
love which will forever grow like an ardent flower.

Because in God’s temple we were sealed forever
and promised a wonderful eternity together.

Monday, June 15, 2009

A closer look

I bought a fancy Sony Cyber-shot camera with a big lense this week and have been spending time on my hands and knees trying to focus in on the little things growing in and around our yard. I felt this would be a good way to start a new blog, introducing the idea of looking for the beauty of life in the things that are closest too us, like our family and friends. Too often people look for happiness in far away lands and exotic destinations. If we simply take a closer look around we will see that there is so much to be thankful for. Notice how intricate and delicate this tiny mushroom appears. Alongside the mushroom you will notice the blades of grass having gone to seed. The recent downpours have put a damper on our outdoor activities but have created a world of life in our lawn. This purple flower just starting to bloom is called a "pin-cushion".

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Balloons Falling

Red, blue, green, or pink
They float
Almost fly
Yet, always falling,
Forever falling

A breath of air gives lift once more
To a solitarily sphere, making it soar
Then again falling,
Forever falling

A small hand’s touch
Offers hope of flight
Yet downward it crawls
Seeking repose
Forever falling

Green daggers quietly await the sinking vessel
Innocent blades so fair and calm
receive their victim with open arms
Forever falling no more

Small tears now falling
Tiny globes of sadness
But neither wind nor touch
Can keep these droplets afloat